Why a private online community?

Public social network versus private online community

While public social networks are seen as more open they may not always be. Many a time, a few members complain that their voices are gagged by other members. A large number of members can be seen ganging up against a few members. Deplatforming of individual members by manipulating the network policies is another serious issue. This may be done through a majority vote or by filing fraudulent mass complaints. The differences leading to such events may be in race, nationality, ideology, religion, etc.

The change of algorithms by the social media platforms can be another major issue that public social networks are beset with. Community members may experience that their comments or posts are not getting published. Members also see some of their old comments getting deleted automatically. These events may occur due to a change in the algorithm (by social platforms) that may block valid, legal, and innocuous comments.

A private online community is owned, managed, and controlled by business or individuals. The moderators of a private online community share the same or similar special interest with the community members. For example, a professional percussionist starts a community related to music. The community members may comprise amateurs and hobbyists. The topics of interest may be vocal or instrumental music, latest trends, or even celebrity gossip. Like public social networks, even a private online community allows its members to share ideas, tips, and experiences with one another.

The members of a private online community can communicate and interact with each other freely. The communication modes can be chat rooms, online events, or online discussion threads. Being strictly moderated, the instances of individual voices being gagged are minimal. The manipulation of private online community policies by a few members or frivolous complaints can be avoided too.

Content & SEO

A private social networking platform offers the flexibility of posting any form of branding content to create a widespread persona. Here, you have direct access to do social engine marketing and target the audience with creativity & freedom to post an image, videos, animation, or anything else.

Doing the above, helps you reach the audience directly, increase prospects of conversion, and enhance the overall ROI of the business.

The Future of Private Social Media

Although public social media isn’t going away, users are shifting more of their communications to private social media.

Privacy concerns on public social media are a major driver for private social. People are worried about how their personal share links and even send money within the chat window. In the not-so-distant future, we could see these services streamlined (there are currently plans to merge WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram) with other features built on top. Instead of switching between apps, it’s more likely users will interact with one private social app to do everything — from making calls and joining video chats, to more complex e-commerce transactions and payments. Artificial intelligence will also take its place front-and-center, as it personalizes the customer experience based on locations, behaviors, preferences, and other factors.

Private Social Networks Have Advantages

  • For example, private social media means a lack of social media adverts and data analysts.
  • There are no targeted (should not be), creepy ads to take over your feed when you are peacefully trying to scroll. Furthermore, your data is only shared with the audience it is intended for.
  • You don’t have to worry about hackers, your grandma or future employers finding any embarrassing videos of you dancing at a party.
  • Finally, your accounts and passwords are less likely to be compromised. If one account of yours is hacked, it leaves others vulnerable. This is not something you have to worry about with private social networks.

VSNetwork, launched in 2019, as a social media platform for The Hobbyist Community. It was created to provide a safe place for Hobbyist to call home. VSNetworks message is “A brand new social media platform founded on the principles of the free speech, independent thought and privacy.” Its been a learning process that is continuing.

VSNetwork is dedicated to improving the service and adding new features for its members.

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